2 Cloud Solutions For Teachers

Teaching is considered the most noblest of all professions. The task of molding and shaping the future of youngsters who will grow up to be responsible members of the society is no ordinary task. With changing times and requirements, modern day teaching methodology has also evolved to incorporate the assistance of technological conveniences such as cloud based SharePoint solutions and hosted virtual desktop.

Cloud based SharePoint Empowering Teachers

Cloud based SharePoint solution can serve as a single point of access to information and technology resources not only for teachers but for students and their parents too. It’s a more convenient way for school administration to liaise with parents and vice versa. Listed below are some of the advantages teachers can reap by opting for a cloud based SharePoint solution for their school:

  • Saving cost and effort
  • Better learning resources for students
  • Improved interaction between teachers and parents

Saving Cost and Effort

Before the advent of SharePoint, major chunk of a teacher’s time was spent tending to administrative tasks and processes. This was counterproductive and the cost incurred required of teachers to keep track of a paper trail for each individual student. Cloud based SharePoint solution can provide a unified platform where teachers can not only store documents but also collaborate on them with other teachers and students.

Better Learning Resources for Students

Behavioral studies have proven that students respond more positively to visual material and activities that are designed around their academics. Cloud based SharePoint solution can act as a virtual classroom with a rich repository of instructional material, audio visual resources and activities for students. This is also a cost cutting and effort saving measure where the teacher simply uploads the content on SharePoint and provides access to the students instead of taking printouts for each individual student.

Improved Interaction between Teachers and Parents

Having a cloud based SharePoint solution puts a new spin on the age old proverb “killing two birds with one stone”. A SharePoint solution can be used for updating parents about their child’s performance. Parents can simply login with their provided password to access their child’s assignments and view their grades. It can also be used for quick access to school policies, guidelines and other vital information. Visit https://www.cloudappsportal.com to get one stop solution for teachers and schools looking to modernize their approach. The company provides tailor-made SharePoint Cloud  which seamlessly integrates and balances usability with convenience.

Hosted Virtual Desktop for Teachers

Another boon of modern technology for teachers is hosted virtual desktop. It’s a very exciting and enticing endeavor which holds immeasurable potential for teachers and students alike. Hosted virtual desktop endows key benefits to teachers such as:

  1. Simplifying management
  2. Cost Saving
  3. Blended learning and collaboration

Simplifying Management

Utilizing a hosted virtual desktop provides teachers with greater control and selectivity over the content available to their students. Teachers can rest easy that there are measures in place which will shield students from unwarranted content and provide a safe and conducive internet experience.

Cost Saving

With ever looming threat of budget cuts, hosted virtual desktop is a real boon. It saves money by reducing cost of allocating a single PC for each student. This also frees up workspace in computer labs and classrooms. Virtual desktop saves the school administration the cost of hiring a dedicated IT staff for maintenance and troubleshooting.

Blended Learning and Collaboration

Last but not the least, a hosted virtual desktop provides easy access to relevant material from anywhere anytime. This paves the way for blended learning, more interactive and frequent collaboration with fellow students and teachers. Students and teachers can also use their mobile devices such as cell-phones and tablets to access material on the go without compromising any of the convenience they would have at their disposal while using a PC or a laptop. Check out https://www.clouddesktoponline.com; they provide and configure Virtual Desktop Hosting for educational institutions. Special emphasis is given to craft user friendly and highly accessible configurations to facilitate teachers and students.

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