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3 Best Books For GRE Preparation

Studying abroad gives you an opportunity to meet with different people and grow well in multicultural environment. GRE exam gives you a golden opportunity to study in abroad for your career advancement and personal growth. It is a standardized test that measures student skills for post graduate courses. This exam assesses your analytical writing skills, verbal skills and quantitative aptitude and gives chance to get into best universities of abroad.

If you score good marks in GRE then your chances of acceptance in various universities also increases. As we know, there is no magic formula or tricks for getting a good score in GRE exams, but you can make effective approach and solid plans to reach your dream universities. There are many books that can help you to get good scores in GRE. So let’s discuss some of the best books for GRE preparation.

Best Books for GRE Preparation

GRE is quite tough exam because it assesses your analytical writing, verbal skills and quantitative writing. But with the help of the innovative resources and good study materials, you can score good marks in GRE. Some of the best books for GRE are mentioned below:

Barron’s GRE: 21st Edition

Barron is one of the most famous GRE preparation books. This book consists of one diagnostic test and two full-length models of the actual test. The answers of sample tests along with explanation are included in this book. After purchasing this book you can also access Barron’s online GRE course and their iPad app for essay preparation.

Kaplan’s GRE Premier 2015

This book contains various practice questions, online practice test and test taking strategies and plans to improve your score in GRE. This book also includes 6 online practice tests and you can also download this book on your iPad .Kaplan also provides free DVD and mobile application with the book and online access to 22,000+ questions.  They also provide a money back guarantee if a person does not score well in the exam.

ETS: GRE the Official Guide to the Revised General Test

This book is basically an official guide to the GRE exam. ETS is the maker of GRE and this guide provides everything that is needed to score good marks in GRE exam. It consists of four complete real tests out of which two are included in the CD-ROM. This book also contains complete description of verbal reasoning and quantitative reasoning sections. It also gives you tips for answering all types of questions and provides idea for two types of analytical writing tasks.


GRE measures your academic skills and cognizance that is needed for master’s program. Many online course, coaching and study materials are available online and offline that can assist you to score better marks in GRE exam. So buy best book and study material for GRE preparation because a good book and some hard work can improve your GRE scores and help you to reach your dream university.