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3 Best Project Management Platforms 2015

Businesses and teams looking to keep up with the competition while encouraging cool, efficient information and document exchange are turning away from the traditional methods of electronic communication and data storage.

With the best collaboration platforms and tools for document sharing and project management, organisations are able to revolutionise their structures and processes, and build great teams that may come from within or from pooling remote talent.

Team leaders should expect task-time tracking and auditing, searchable discussion threads and documents, and a secure repository for storing and accessing files. Providing feedback on individual tasks should be straightforward, as should downloading and uploading.

So with all that in mind, here are three of the most exciting examples of project management software in the field, each with a fantastic blend of tools for team members and leaders to efficiently share and communicate, execute and complete.


A great tool for collaboration, file sharing and project management, Glasscubes provides three especially attractive features to their overall package:


Another excellent all-round package. Huddle offers just about all the key features of Glasscubes, including free conference calling, superb security and a great intuitive workspace setup for collaboration and document sharing. Huddle’s unlimited edition has proved particularly popular with major multinational organisations and British governmental departments.


An extremely powerful tool when fully utilised, Sharepoint, not unlike Huddle, is especially attractive to major organisations that need to invest heavily in their communications and storage infrastructure. Not really ideal for companies with smaller interests or budget limits, their software can prove daunting to administrators. Nevertheless, Sharepoint remains an impressive, albeit complex, piece of software that comes in the Microsoft Office server suite.

With there now no barriers to the kind of efficiency that was once just a pipedream, teams can truly start to function as we had always hoped. Online platforms for teamwork and task management offer cool logic, efficiency and a great resource for project development and implementation.