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3 Things You Should Know About Commercial Property Maintenance

Property maintenance is a huge part of keeping a commercial or industrial property in excellent, working condition. Failing to maintain a commercial property could result in it looking unkempt or operating in an unsafe condition. Property maintenance typically comes down to making minor repairs and upgrades to keep a commercial property looking and operating at its best and, in some ways, is similar to home maintenance but just on a larger scale. 

Commercial property maintenance jobs can include easy tasks such as changing external light bulbs or more extensive maintenance procedures such as floor painting or skylight cleaning. It is these extensive procedures that can present significant issues or complications, which can prevent them from being carried out due to disruption and then escalating further in the future. It’s up to commercial property owners to ensure that their commercial or industrial property is well maintained, so let’s take a look at some of the things that commercial property owners should know. 


Keep The Workplace Safe

Of course, all commercial property owners know that the health and safety of their employees is of the utmost importance but safety is an issue that surrounds almost every commercial and industrial property. If you allow maintenance jobs to pile up or fall out of routine when it comes to arduous or disruptive work, then you may be putting the safety of your employees at risk. 

For example, if you leave too many years in between having your factory floor repainted, then important safety floor markings could wear away, putting your employees in harm’s way. Ensure that all essential maintenance tasks, especially those that correlate with health and safety, are properly documented and maintained. 


Put More Focus On High-Traffic Areas

Commercial and industrial properties get a lot of foot traffic, as well as machinery traffic and some areas are naturally busier than others. Office buildings, for example, that have a reception will have every employee, guest and visitor pass through that one area, so the walls and flooring will likely require additional attention. In commercial and industrial properties, focus on the areas where the highest number of people use them as they are likely to require more maintenance than other areas. 

These areas could include employee break spaces, where employees could be going in and out throughout the day, areas surrounding machinery that is used the most and industrial equipment. If you spot any damage that can be repaired easily, then carry this out immediately to avoid the issues worsening. It can be tempting to put off making minor repairs and waiting until it becomes essential, but this can just end up costing you more and putting employees at risk. For important machinery and equipment, ensure that regular maintenance and commercial and industrial cleaning is carried out to minimise the risk of damage.  


Don’t Forget Exteriors 

Many commercial property owners, rightly, put a lot of focus on internal areas of the building but a lot of property owners forget to put as much attention to their external areas. Areas such as walkways, car parks and smoking areas are often forgotten about when it comes to care and maintenance and some easy fixes include deweeding, removing rubbish and adding some easy to care for plants to make the exterior of the property more appealing. Certain external areas of commercial and industrial property require regular cleaning and maintenance, often unknowingly to property owners. Skylights, gutters and even building cladding can require specialist cleaning and care throughout the year to protect against damage.