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3 Tips for Students Who Need Some Shuteye

StudentsEven if you sleep for seven or eight hours, the fact is, it’s a challenge for most college students to get adequate sleep. It’s true that when it comes to shut-eye, it is the quality of sleep that counts just as much, and sometimes more than- the quantity. In fact a smaller amount of deep, restorative sleep can be more restful than a greater amount of fitful or disturbed slumber. Consider this: your body recharges on sleep. So in order to wake up raring to go, and to sustain that energy for a long day of classes, you need premium fuel. Think of your sleep, along with your food and water, as that fuel. Along with making sure you have enough energy to  motor throughout the day, getting deep sleep offers other major benefits to the body. It can lower your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and even depression. It will also help you to stay more alert in class and process information much more efficiently. Follow these practical tips to treat your body to more restorative sleep, and get ready for more energetic, productive days!

Turns out Nightcaps don’t Help

This one may not be that much fun, but it is a fact: although alcohol may indeed help you fall asleep quicker, once your body begins to remove it from your system, it actually becomes a stimulant. That is why you’ll often find that four or five hours after your last drink, there’s a good chance you’ll wake up, and may have a very difficult time getting back to sleep. If you don’t wake up, the quality of your sleep has still been compromised. So, on the nights you require the best rest, whether it be a test, an important match,or a just a Sunday of doing laundry the following day- go easy on the pints and engage in a nighttime routine that helps induce quality sleep that can be sustained. For example, take a warm shower and sip a relaxing cup of herbal tea.

Breathe better for better sleep

Millions of us snore, and if you suffer from sleep apnea, you’re much more likely to feel sluggish during the day, no matter how long you sleep. Two common signs of apnea: loud snoring and waking up gasping or with the feeling that you’re choking. If you experience either of these symptoms ( or your dorm mate says you do) schedule a visit to your doctor, and in the meantime start sleeping on your side instead of your back, with your head propped up on some pillows. Sleep apnea occurs when the soft tissue at the back of your throat blocks your airway during sleep, stopping your breathing and waking you up- sometimes hundreds of times a night, which you may not remember, but will of course still be affected by.  If you rest your upper body at an incline, it may make a more direct path for air to move in and out of the lungs.

Use a Good Pillow and Comfortable Bedding

This one’s a no-brainer: If you’re comfortable, you’ll sleep better. Check out websites dedicated to residence hall approved items exclusively like RHL.org for a complete selection of stylish dorm xl bedding, including this super comfortable Memory Foam Mattress Topper that will have you drifting off to la-la land before you can even count the first sheep!