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5 Easy Tips On How To Juice Wheat Grass

Wheat grass juice is a natural and safe element which is used to prevent different human diseases. Wheat grass includes a lot of things that are good for an individual. It contains enzymes, micro nutrients, amino acids, and a great amount of chlorophyll. Juicing wheat grass can be fruitful for an individual as it is the best option to consume this organic element as well.
Unlike the animals, like cows, buffaloes etc, human cannot directly eat grass and consume its effective value. This is the reason we need to grass extract or juice. There are different ways to juice wheat grass. You can even get this juice from stores.
5 Easy Tips On How To Juice Wheat Grass
Following are 5 important tips on how to juice wheat grass:
  • Never use blender or mixer grinder or any other food process. If you use a blender, you will still need to extract the juice from the pulp and this would not be a great choice, either in quality and quantity.
  • You can use a hand-cranked juicer and this could be an easy choice for you. However, it needs a plenty of exercise. This will be great if you have free time and energy. You also need a counter top that you want to attach the grinder. However, not many kitchens have this counter top these days.
  • An electric juicer is the best option to extract juice from wheat grass as it doesn’t need much effort and time. But you have to be careful about using those high-speed and multi-speed motor. You should take a few amounts of grass to extract juice from them. If you put a high amount of wheat grass inside the electric juicer, you will get jam instead of juice.
  • To get the best result you need to finely chop the grass before putting them inside the electric grinder. This will produce high amount of heat unexpectedly which is going to provide you juice.
  • The best way to extract juice wheat grass is using a masticating juicer. This type of machine contains one or two drill-like augers that push the contents harder and harder at a low speed. The speed can be as little as 1% of the high-speed juicers. The use of this masticating machine is safe as they neither bruise nor heat up the extracted content.
  • You should never bruise the grass in order to get the best quality juice. You can use a sharp knife or scissors. In case you feel that more juice is left you can re-juice the pulp. After juice is extracted, you can use the pulp to. Wheat grass pulp is useful to put on wounds as compress; you can even use it as facial, feeding your chicken. Furthermore, grass pulp is also used as good compost for vegetable garden.

How to drink wheat grass juice?
An individual should drink wheat grass juice in a small quantity, for example: one ounce at a time. For the first time user, the taste seems very strong, generally little nauseating to the first time users. According to the health experts, you should drink grass extract at empty stomach. If you feel the taste little unmanageable, you can add slightest lime juice and a tea-spoon of honey with or without a cinnamon stick.
Nutritionists and health experts say that one should mix wheat grass juice in a simple ratio between 1 ounce of juice and 4/6 ounces of something else. Most common things that people mix with wheat grass are carrots, apples, cucumbers, lemons etc. You can mix these ingredients to the grass extract if you cannot manage stomach raw wheat grass juice.