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5 Ways To Keep Your Car From Getting Dents

Whether you have a brand new sports car, or a conservative vehicle that has some miles on it, you are more than likely dedicated to making your car look as good as possible. Leaving your car in the grocery store parking lot is difficult because you just know you will get a ding or dent from someone else’s carelessness. A vehicle is a large investment, so it’s only natural that you want to take good care of it. Luckily, there are ways to limit the risk of getting dents other than never taking your car out of the garage.

1. Bumper Strips

Although they may not be the prettiest things in the world, bumper strips get the job done. With a bit of money and a little effort, bumper strips can be self installed to protect your vehicle from doors flying open and into your shiny car.

2. Leave Space

Everyone wants to park as close to their destination as possible, but parking farther away where there are many open spots could save you from dents. Avoid cramming in to tight spaces and instead park farther away where there are no other cars surrounding you.

3. Avoid Family Cars

Minivans and suburbans should be avoided at all costs, along with vehicles that shout “kids ride in me.” Children and busy parents often have little regard for the nice BMW parked next to them, and you can be sure someone will fling open a door a little too quickly, right into your perfect exterior.

4. Park in End Caps

Once again, it may require you to park a little farther away, but that’s the price you pay for a spotless car. Park at the end of a row that has an island and hug the island so you stay as far from other cars as possible. If possible, go for a spot where the passenger door is facing your car. This decreases the chance that someone will be entering their car next to yours.

5. Have a “shopping car”

This may sound extreme, but if your car is your baby, it could be worth it. If you have an older car that you don’t care as much about, use it instead of your nicer car to run errands. Dent accidents happen more often in grocery store or mall than at a nice restaurant or a slow cruise around town. Save your dent-free vehicle for nicer occasions and it will stay nicer looking, longer.

Although you can’t avoid careless people, you can do your best to stay as far away from them as possible. Vehicles can be large investments, and nothing is more frustrating than someone damaging your property. Keeping these tips in mind will ensure that your vehicle avoids dents at all costs, hopefully resulting in a spotless car for years to come.

Written by Marc LaFerriere at Dents Unlimited & Toalson Glass. Marc and his expert staff are one of the leading auto repair shops Columbia, MO has to offer.