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6 Great Recipe Ideas For Busy Mornings

6 Great Recipe Ideas For Busy Mornings

When we find ourselves pressed for time in the morning, it is easy to think it’s okay to just skip breakfast and race out the door, or perhaps pick up some fast food along the way.  However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Even if you don’t get hungry in the morning, breakfast is the most important meal of the day for good reason. In a typical day, people should ideally not eat anything within three hours of going to bed, because we digest food even while we sleep, and don’t get any rest if our bodies are digesting food overnight.  As a result, we go more than a third of the day without eating at all!

However, many people skip breakfast, or pick up snacks and fast food along the way.  There are so many healthy alternatives that you can make at home, though! Being pressed for time in the morning doesn’t mean forgoing a healthy breakfast.  The majority of the ingredients don’t even have to cost you anything – fruits, herbs and vegetables can be grown right in your own backyard, saving you money as well as time!  Savory tomatoes, luscious raspberries, and juicy apples all find their way onto your breakfast plate with the 6 recipes below, which can all be made quickly and easily in the midst of your busy morning!  So don’t skip your breakfast – start your day with one of these meals, which can be made in less time than your morning shower!

Microwave Coffee Cup Scramble

Eggs are awesome for breakfast.  Not only are they packed with protein, but they can be mixed with a variety of other foods for a truly balanced breakfast.  Check out this microwave scrambled-egg recipe, in which you mix the egg with a little milk and some shredded cheese, like an omelet in a coffee mug.  Or try variations with your favorite omelet stuffings such as bacon bits, onions, mushrooms, or sausage. Coffee cups are not just for coffee anymore!

Sweet Potato and Black Bean Breakfast Burrito

Sweet potatoes and black beans for breakfast???  Absolutely! Black beans are a common breakfast item on Latino tables and made a great condiment for eggs.  The sweet potatoes give it an unexpected zing while providing your body with beta-carotene. Wrap this in a burrito for a meal on the go!

Cottage Cheese with Minted Pineapple

Topped with mint and pomegranate seeds, this recipe can use any seasonal fruit.  A little sugar or natural sweetener is complimented by the mint, which can be picked right from the plant!

Quick and Easy Breakfast Bruschetta

Bruschetta isn’t only for lunch.  With this variation on the pre-entre favorite, you can have a great breakfast that’s healthy to boot.  Mashed avocado on slices of French bread get topped off with some egg scrambled with chives and seasoned to taste.  The tomato garnish on the top provides a balanced meal sure to give an energizing start to your day!

English Muffin with Apple and Cheddar

For many people, apple trees are abundant in the local area, even on private property.  Use your spare apples or buy them from the local farmer’s market for this breakfast treat.  THe only thing that beats warm apples on English muffins are warm apples with melty cheese. You can also add condiments like apple butter or peanut butter to add a little extra flavor!

Tropical Getaway Smoothie Bowl

Smoothies are a big favorite among the health-conscious, and a smoothie bowl is a smoothie-plus!  This smoothie will call to mind warm ocean breezes and coconut palms as you mix tropical fruits, coconut milk, baby spinach and honey for a tropical treat!