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All About Coronary Bypass Graft

CABG in medical terms is used to treat diseases of the coronary artery. It would indicate that the coronary arteries are narrowed where the blood vessels that supply oxygen to the heart are restricted in terms of function. This arises due to fatty deposits and with the help of this surgery exercise capability is improved, chest pain is reduced and your life is enhanced. The common symptoms of this disorder are fatigue, chest pain accompanied by shortness of breath. Sadly there are no major symptoms associated with this disorder, and it will continue to progress till sufficient blockage of the arteries is detected.

The causes

The main causes of coronary heart disease arise due to the following factors

The diagnosis along with a series of tests

Evolving around your family and medical history the doctor is going to evaluate the exact reason of coronary heart disease. A detailed physical exam is conducted to figure out the exact causes of the disease. They may recommend a series of tests that include

The preparations

This surgery does involve a series of procedures that are illustrated below

Cabg surgery cost in India is considered to be the lowest in the world. When you compare it to the advanced countries of the world savings to the margin of 50 % is achieved. This is taking into consideration that the quality of treatment is of the highest standards.