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Areas You Can Save On In College

College can be one of the most exciting times of your life: it’s exhilarating, fun, and full of memories. Oh, and it’s also a great place to learn a thing or two about biology or calculus.

But, as great as college is, it comes with a price tag, a price tag that can make the average person’s eyes widen in horror at a mere glance. Because of this, students must save wherever they can, even if it means getting creative. The good thing about saving money in college is that most students are in the same proverbial boat?a boat with a twin-sized sheet as a sail, since no one can afford the real thing. This means areas with college campuses cater to the financially challenged. In order to stretch your dollar for four years, consider doing the following:

Use Craigslist

Craigslist is a wonderful thing for the average college student. Craigslist allows you to buy all sorts of things you need for a much cheaper price, things like couches, lawn chairs, BBQs, and bicycles. Craigslist also allows you to sell whatever you’re no longer using and make some extra spending money.

Solicit the Library

Anyone who has ever set foot in a campus bookstore knows that textbooks are expensive. They are so expensive that it is in your best interest to find them elsewhere if possible. The local library is a perfect place for this. A library may be particularly beneficial for people majoring in history, literature, or any majors that use mainstream books.

Buy Cheap Costumes

What some students don’t realize until they are actually well into their first month of school is that college is a place that involves lots of costumes: dressing up is not merely limited to Halloween. From toga parties to swimsuit parties, from parties that celebrate the 1980s to those that celebrate the 1920s, you’ll need a closet full of costumes. While you can visit a local store, you are far more likely to find cheaper options by searching online.

Ride Your Bike

Most cities and towns with a college campus are extremely pedestrian friendly. This provides you with a chance to not only get some exercise and work off that dorm food, but also save money on gas. Gas will drain your bank account while going to school ? it’s pricey, and not letting up any time soon. Thus, avoid purchasing it if you can.

Avoid the Student Union

The student union is a very convenient place to purchase breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack in between. It’s convenient, but expensive. Eating one meal at the student union each day can easily cost you a couple hundred dollars a month. A smarter option is to brown-bag your lunch and eat your dinners at home.

Why Saving in College is Important

In a perfect world, everyone would get a free ride to college, with books, tuition, and housing all paid by parents, scholarships, or a mysterious Dickensian benefactor. But, in real life, most students actively foot the bill for at least part of their education and everything else that comes with it.

Per the Huffington Post, a recent poll found that 18 percent of kids pay their entire way through college, 31 percent cover the cost of housing, and 35 percent pay their cell bills. Overall, 22 percent of students have parents who pay for everything.

This article was contributed by Richard Craft, an MBA student who hopes to help you with your personal finances. He writes this on behalf of buycostumes.com, your number one choice when looking for great costumes for everyone. Check out their website today and see how they can help you!