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Balancing Life and School When Moving Away From Home

During your freshman year of college, living in dorms or with your parents is often the best option when first adjusting to you new student life. After a few semesters, adhering to your parent’s rules or putting up with noisy dorms can be frustrating. This is a sign that it may finally be time to get a place of your own. To make the transition easier, check out these easy tips to help set you up for success when in your first home away from home.

Chose your Roommates Wisely

While we’d all love to have a house or apartment all to ourselves, it is often too costly to do so, therefore we turn to roommates to help us pay the rent and split the chores. Living with your BFFs may sound awesome but before you take the leap of faith you must ask yourselves if you are truly compatible to be roommates.

There are a few questions you should ask yourselves before you take the leap of faith; Do you have the same sleep/study routines? What is your idea of a clean house? When is it appropriate to have guests over? Is it okay to throw big parties?  Will you get sick of each other quickly? Remember, this is not just a place you will be hanging out, this is your home, finding someone who you are compatible to live with is incredibly important to your success and happiness.

Create a Study Space

It can be easy to get distracted when living in your own house during college. With housework to be done and people to socialize with, it is important to remember that doing well in school should be your number one focus. This is why it is important to create a distraction free space where you can sit down and study. Whether this is a joint living area or a corner of your room depends on the atmosphere of your home.

When you find a space that works best for you, make sure your roommates know that when you are working there you need uninterrupted time. If you are having trouble finding a place to focus, it might be a good idea to talk to your roommates in order to figure out what works best for everyone.

Don’t Skimp on Technology

Now that you are on your own you won’t be able to rely on the luxuries of the free WIFI and printers provided by your school or family. Since a lot of your schoolwork will require reliable Internet access, invest in something worthwhile. Check out Verizon FiOS deals to get set up with high-speed Internet that will minimize problems. Since you most likely live with roommates splitting costs will enable to get the best service without worrying about money.

It’s also a good idea to invest in a printer/scanner so you don’t have to worry about finding the time/money to print your papers elsewhere. If you and your roommates pitch in for a good printer you can work out who will get to keep your setup once you move out. A great idea for jointly purchased appliances is to pay the difference to whoever decides to keep the item once you part ways.