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Career Aptitude Test – Is It A Smart Choice For Students

Education has witnessed widespread changes in all these years. Gone are those days where education meant fetching degrees and then applying for public service jobs. With changing economy, jobs in the public sector have shrunk a lot and private sector has outsmarted the public domain in both payment as well as modernity. In these days, not all subjects or streams are as profitable considering the personality, nature and other traits of the concerned individual. The qualitative and quantitative perspective to education has also changed, rather a revolutionary change altogether. In this regard, guidance to students is urgently needed. At present one can see, there has been some sort of gap between demand of new fold careers and education which is imparted in schools and colleges. In this regard, nowadays, career aptitude tests have been considered absolutely ideal for students. Not only with regard to their future inclinations, but also to gauge their personality development and other traits which can play pivotal role in shaping their life for future life. However there are other theories also who believe that traditional studies are elegant enough to propel someone to a distinguished career. No doubt, educational psychologists now consider career aptitude test to be a scientific tool which can not only guide the students but also give a measurement of their improvement. In the following we will discuss the utilities of career aptitude tests and how it has become an indispensable one for students.

Thus it can be clearly said, career aptitude tests are extremely helpful to all students irrespective what they want to achieve in their near future in their concerned careers of choice.

About the Author : Ranbir Bhattacharyya is a freelance writer for the last 5 years and have contributed for  Time of India (Kolkata, Response), Rosevalley 365 din and MyIndMakers. Did his graduation from ST Xavier’s College (Kolkata) and have a Post Graduate Diploma studies in Mass Communication from Jadavpur University. Ranbir is a social media enthusiast and always keen on writing and sharing his views.