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China vows to major freedom reforms

China vows to major freedom reforms


In a statement of immense proportions, the Communist Party run government there has announced sweeping reforms that introduce a new world of freedoms and quality controls to allow for bigger commerce and personal freedom. President Xi is strongly behind the reform and that includes upending the age old ways of pigeon holing states and smaller communities to old and inefficient business and social models. The sheer scope of the changes ranges from removing caps on interest rates by allowing couples to have more than one child. These old rules introduced by Mao Tse Tung and former Presiden Xiaoping will be rolled to the wayside once and for all if they keep their word.


The changes to this new free market means and end to state owned companies that entrapped the country to stagnation and failure. An end of the hukuo laws that kept peasant families encroached in their communities with no hope for better expansion. The local governments often the cesspools of corruption and control will be phased out as their control over the courts is ended. Labor camps and other such facilities will end as well. This reform is geared primarily to get rid of the localized or state run governments and break the bonds of corruption and criminal activity. With the people able to market and work freely there is hope that the expansion and equability will thrive.


Overall the lifting of price controls and regulations that have been for decades a stranglehold on freedoms and commerce will be abolished allowing for the people to engage in more profitable enterprises. How this will eventually affect the country is yet to be seen but the fact China has publicly stated the reforms and has the means to enforce them means that China is going to take a major step forward into the free world regarding commerce and social liberation. There’s no telling what fruit will bear from the country as more and more people are able to seek out their dreams.


On the downside is that the one child rule implemented decades ago means there’s a labor shortage happening. One would think with over a billion people the last thing that would be needed would be people to work but the statistics say otherwise. With the drop in workers and more expected for decades to come means that China has to step on the pedal and get their things in order.