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Common Concrete Decoration Techniques

For many people, decorative concrete can be quite appealing. Concrete is an important material in modern world and it is versatile enough, even for decorative purposes. Concrete can help to enhance the appeal and appearance of our home. As an example, businesses can engrave their logos on the concrete; inside the lobby, on the large concrete wall outside the building or on the doorstep. Communities also use concrete decoration techniques for municipal improvement beautification. For homeowners, they can choose the same method at much smaller scale to make their house looks more attractive. There are different faces of decorative concrete. It’s actually quite straightforward; allowing us to do engraving, overlays and stamping.

When choosing concrete decoration tools, we should make sure to keep the amount of dust low. It means that the decoration methods can be performed on damp concrete surfaces. We know that concrete may eventually have cracks and chips. This could ruin the decorative purposes of the concrete and in some cases, cracks don’t always provide the desired characters. For this purpose, we can use flexible crack filler for wider and deeper cracks. However, repairing cracks can be more difficult on colored, decorative cracks.