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Dangers Of Long-Term Asbestos Exposure

Long-Term Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos removal worker. Dangerous waste disposal - professional works with old architecture.

In the late 1940Õs and early 1950Õs property builders discovered asbestos. The material was fire resistant, inexpensive, strong, lightweight, easy to mold with and more. Initially, asbestos was seen as an amazing material to be used in property construction, and insulation. In modern construction asbestos is a banned  Asbestos Remova construction material and if a property has harmful asbestos an

contractor will need to remove the asbestos from the property.

Though, from the 1970Õs to the late 1980Õs a growing concern about asbestos-related illnesses was emerging from commercial sectors, health care groups and individuals alike. By the 1990Õs more than a dozen illnesses were attributed to the inhalation of asbestos particles. These health issues lead to the decline and eventual ban of asbestos being used as a building material in Canadian properties. Asbestos has become the leading cause of workplace death in several Canadian provinces.

Asbestos materials can become damaged or otherwise disturbed. These materials then release small particles that can be inhaled and lead to several different health issues. Some asbestos-related illnesses take upwards of 10 years to show direct symptoms. If your home was built prior to the 1990Õs, have the property inspected for asbestos to avoid the following illnesses.


Inhaling asbestos particles has been attributed to a number of ÒMalignant Related IllnessesÓ or Cancers. These 4 types of cancer have all be directly associated with the inhalation of asbestos particles:

* Mesothelioma Ð Asbestos is the most common cause of mesothelioma. Thousands of Canadians die each year from this cancer. As small asbestos particles enter your lungs the agitation and constant state of healing can lead to tumours forming in your lungs, testicles or abdomen. Regardless of the specific diagnosis, shortness of breath and abdominal pain are common symptoms of any mesothelioma formation.
* Lung Cancer Ð Lung cancer kills thousands each year. Asbestos is the sole or leading cause of lung cancer in select cases. Though, smokers that consistently inhale asbestos are at much higher risk of facing lung cancer than the general smoking public.
* Ovarian Cancer – In 2011 research showcased that women who worked with asbestos were 77% more likely to face ovarian cancer than the general public.
* Laryngeal Cancers – Asbestos has been directly linked to an increased chance of developing Laryngeal Cancer. Patients facing this cancer only have a 60% chance of living more than 5 years after their diagnosis.


When an abundance of asbestos particles are inhaled, the interior tissue of your lungs can become dangerously scarred and inflamed. Damaged lung tissue cannot expand to required levels and cannot relax normally when resting. This agitated tissue leads to chest pain, poor circulation and shortness of breath. These initial symptoms can then lead to serious heart and lung issues. Between the years 2000 and 2007, more than 1,400 deaths in the United States were attributed to asbestosis.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

COPD is not directly caused by asbestos, though inhaling asbestos particles seriously increases the risk of an individual developing this Bronchiole and Alveoli based disease. COPD causes the alveolar membrane to break down and the lung bronchi to tighten and swell. Individuals dealing with COPD can require various forms of oral medication, oxygen treatments, breathing technique assistnce and other treatments. Once an individual develops COPD their entire respiratory system can become compromised and they are left much more vulnerable to other lung-related illnesses.