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Educating Our Future Through Technology

As our world grows and evolves one of the fastest changing issues is the education of our youth. From budget cuts to the inability to pay teachers what they are worth it is a constant struggle to find new and innovative ways to keep kids’ attention.

Children of today are learning at a much faster pace compared to years past. One of the biggest reasons that children are learning faster is because of the access to technology. Classrooms are becoming more and more advanced because of the options that they have when it comes to internet access as well as other advanced equipment.

Technological Advances In Education

Interactive white boards are becoming more and more prevalent in our children’s classrooms. A whiteboard is no longer just a dry erase marker and the teacher writing on the board. Rather computer technology has made white boards so that teacher and children can interact with it either through touch or with a specialized pointer. These boards can help with everything from math to reading.

While it doesn’t seem as though social media would have any place in the classroom the reality is that many teachers are using it on a daily basis to not only teach but to also help children learn. Information that is shared over Facebook can be anything from quick answers to certain research topics or even attending remote lectures on advanced subjects. While Facebook is not recommended for younger children, teenagers may find that Facebook is their new information-sharing source when used properly.

The iPad And Education

The iPad has been all the rage among both young children and adults since its inception. It offers a variety of applications as well as nearly endless connectivity. Now teachers are using the iPad to their advantage to give assignments as well as have a direct connection with their students. Some schools around the country are giving every student an iPad in certain grade levels to make interaction with their teachers endless. It also allows some homework assignments to be done right from the iPad and submitted directly to the teacher upon completion. The internet connection that it provides also allows for students to research topics on a variety of applications designed for education and learning.

Technology continues to advance so it should come as no surprise that it is being used in the classroom in a variety of different ways. As teachers find more innovative and cost saving ways to educate children it is almost a guarantee that in time our children will be learning faster than ever before.
Adam Wagner is an education writer that works for a San Diego Charter School.