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Electricity Generated Through Wing Waves

As windmills and wind turbines generate through the wind, Wing waves work with waves of the sea. Wing waves are a new approach to the renewable resources and is being developed for future use by marine scientists. An assistant professor marine and environmental system of Florida Institute of Engineering & Technology, Stephen Wood is working for the advancement of this technology. According to Stephen, one square miles of wings can produce around 1000 units of electricity that can lit about 200,000 houses.

Working Principle:

Ocean waves have tremendous kinetic energy, in average area of 4-foot, if waves strike the coast for 10-second, then more than 35,000 horsepower per mile of coast energy is generated.When the elliptical motion wave changes to mechanical energy after trapping 30-60 feet below sea level,then power is generated. Waves get the energy from wind and wind is generated by the Sun. Waves stores the energy which it gathers from wind and transmits to thousands of kilometers without major loss. And Waves will exist till the Sun exists. So, this is a best form of renewable energy.

Requirements for Installing Wing Waves:

For the production of electricity through wing waves there are two main types of requirement the depth of 40- 50 feet and Sand base. At present , a trapezoidal fan with a height of 8 feet and width 15 feet are transported through road and placed under the sea. Fans larger than this regular dimension can tap more water and produce more electricity, but these fans had to be placed near the sea. More Requirements of wing waves can also be known from 24 Hour Emergency Electrician Sydney, who are always available to clear your queries.

Advantages of Wing Waves:

  1. The best advantage of wing wave energy is that this is renewable energy and can never run out , since the earth is covered with 70% ocean and waves regularly occurs in the oceans.
  2. The wings will generate energy even if the sea is calm and if the sea is rough with a Tsunami or hurricanes then it will lock itself.
  3. These wing wave process will help in desalinization of sea water.
  4. Under proper maintenance, the wings will stay upto 20 years.
  5. Wing waves are no threat to the sea lives, their working would not kill any of the Sea animals.
  6. If this process is implemented and used continuously, there is no need to import fossil fuels or oil from any other country. This will reduce the pollution and inturn will provide green jobs to millions.
  7. Wing waves can be easily predicted and will provide consistent form of energy when compared to other alternate energy sources.
  8. Unlike other fossil fuels, the wing wings will not cause any type of damage to the land.
  9. It can be selected by various methods like power plants installed with hydro turbines and seafaring vessels which are present on the sea to collect energy.

According to the expert electrician, this is the best form of energy source.

Author-Bio: Am Uzma Sultana, an Engineering Graduate and an SEO Analyst by profession. Writing on multiple topics and blogging is my passion. I’ve been writing on web from past two years and as of now am working for a Digital Marketing Firm. To Know more about me Follow me on Google+.