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Get E-Books Easily For Nook From These 5 Sites Absolutely Free

The days of hard bound, paperback books are perhaps gone by for the busy professionals, who once loved to read, but now since they don’t have time; it’s a luxury they can’t afford. Most of these people have picked up a very tech-savvy alternative to their love and still manage to carry a couple of book or an entire library with them. This is made possible by the advent of Nook and E-books. The former is an E-book reader, which allows an easy download and then a good trouble free read; anytime, anywhere. To top off the advantage, a lot of portals have been offering free online ebooks to the Nook users, which is indeed a fabulous thing to cherish. Because of this, the uninterrupted and limitless reading is now possible without any extra weight of those heavy books to carry around. Now the thing of concern here is, most of the best titles are never free, but they are offered to the readers to download for free at certain time of the year or right at the time of their launch. Apart from that, there is plethora of e-books that could be found over the internet to download and read, at free of cost.
Get E-Books Easily For Nook From These 5 Sites Absolutely Free

Sites Where Free E-Books Are Found

As said, there are a lot of sites that allow free e-book download in no time, but these are mostly not known to the seasonal readers or new readers. As Nook supports a variety of formats, such as EPUB, PDB and PDF; it is very convenient to find and download the e-books. Nook also supports audio books as well as books in MP3 format. Coming back to the e-books, here are 5 of the best sites from where it could be downloaded for free.

1.     Freebookspot.Com

Not many people know about this particular site, which is known for an end number of non-fiction titles as well as a lot of tech related manuals. The latter comes handy for students while it is being said that what can’t be found on Barnes & Noble Google E-Book sites; can be found here. However, it is also acknowledged by a lot of visitors to this site that in its fiction category, it mostly has science fiction and not much of other titles. Download free is available for majority of the titles.

2.     Barnes & Noble

With Nook, one first goes to this site. It is important to know where one must navigate to in this website, in order to fetch what he is looking for. It has a lot of titles under all the genres that will appease the craving of an avid reader. The interface is very convenient to allow a user quick download.

3.     Books.Google.Com

This is one of the most prominent websites to download free e-books. It is easy to navigate and most of the people are already hooked it one of its co-product ‘Gmail’, which further makes the login convenient.

4.     Fictionwise.com

This is a site that caters especially to the fiction readers. They have titles by Terry Brooks, Anne McCaffrey, Stephen King, Stieg Larsson and many other popular established fiction writers.

5.     EbooksGeneius.com

This is another website, which is only known to people who surf and download various e-books frequently. Very unknown yet very good.
Making most out of it
Downloading free online ebooks is very easy with these 5 of the best sites over the web, but having a good reading habit is more important. People don’t tend to pull out time from there busy schedule these days, so it is important that some time be assigned to read and relax. E-books on Nook are a best combination to cherish.