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Great Use of Design to Make Your Marketing Materials Stand Out

When you’re designing for printed marketing materials, in order to achieve the best results possible, you need to make sure that your materials stand out from the rest. Print marketing is a very popular form of marketing, which thousands of companies are utilizing daily, and with so many different companies producing different materials, it can be hard to come up with creative and fresh new ideas that are going to make your design stand out from all of the others.

Think about the number of flyers and leaflets that come through your door with your local newspaper each week – the chances are that you don’t read them all, in-fact, most of you probably throw them straight into the recycling bin; and that’s because far too many businesses fall into the trap of reusing the same old designs which everybody else is using, so they don’t stand out!

This post is focused more on materials like flyers and brochures, but the same applies to things like business cards too – the more you can make your card stand out, the more memorable and astounding you can make it, the more likely it is to work in your favour and bring you new customers.

In this post I’ve rounded up a number of great examples to help you get over that problem! The best thing for inspiration is awesome examples of what you’re trying to create, and I’ve listed 10 of the best printed marketing material designs below for you to draw inspiration from!
The examples above should have provided you with plenty of inspiration and ideas for you to implement into your own marketing materials. Whatever material you decide to use (flyers, postcards, brochures etc.) if you can incorporate some of the elements from the examples above into your own work then you should be on the right path for producing an effective design.

If you need a postcard printing company then I recommend Next Day Flyers; they can print custom designed postcards at great quality and with a super-quick turnaround time. You can place your order today and receive it through the post tomorrow – and in some cases, if you order early enough, you can even collect your order on the same day! Next Day Flyers don’t only provide postcards, they are one of the biggest printing companies and they provide a huge range of products; from business cards to flyers, stickers to letters and stationary, plus much more! Whatever you need printed, you can more-than-likely get it printed with NDF!