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Home Security Systems – Picking The Right One

Home security systems are in demand these days – there are quite a few on the market to choose from.  Each system has special features and consumers would be well served to check each one out before deciding on a specific one.  When trying to differentiate between security systems, the following categories should take precedence:
  • Installation: DIY or get an alarm company to install
  • Monitoring: how the system sends messages to central command
  • Home automation: including features in the system to control settings beyond the security aspect like climate control and lighting

Going through these categories will help a customer determine the company and the best home security systems which suits their needs best.


There are quite a few companies which sell sophisticated alarm systems and customize them for individual needs.  Customers can take the option of doing the installation on their own – at which point they can purchase the system from an alarm company.  Instructions are usually included so that the homeowner can go through the process.
Generally DIY alarm systems are wireless and installation is easy.  Those who have done it say it is easy to do and set up takes less than an hour.  DIY installation is an option which customers choose so that they personally pay for the equipment and take it with them when they move out of their home.

Professionally installed systems are fee based – based on the company chosen, installers come to the location and do the job for the customer.  Customers don’t have to worry about making mistakes and having to pay for false alarms when they contract out monitoring. Professionals will also answer questions about usage and maintenance.
When getting an alarm system installed, customers can choose between hardwired or wireless systems.  It pays to check beforehand what kind of phone line will be needed. Some systems require a landline.

Determining Which System Is Best:

Renter or Homeowner:

The choice of best home security system will depend on whether one is renting or owns their home.  Renters generally choose to install a wireless system so that it can be taken down and used in their new apartment or home.  Homeowners have the option of choosing any system – it will depend on the size of their home, their budget and needs. Homeowners can choose to have monitoring done using their landline with a cell phone number backup so that all eventualities are covered.


If the customer is planning to move in a couple of years or has to because of their job, they will have to pay close attention to the company’s contract and also whether they own the equipment or not.  Companies which insist on a long term contract will not be suitable as it will cost the customer a lot to get protection.  Many security companies are aware of this fact and offer programs to customers so that they can transfer their equipment and service, free of charge. Moving programs are offered to customers who have accounts with the same company over a period of time. Even with such programs in place, security companies will probably not move all of the equipment.