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How Can A-Level Languages Help Your Future?

It’s about that time: time to decide what subjects you’ll take at A-level. The subjects you take at A-level are an important part of your education and can determine a lot about the future direction of your life. Before you determine what you want to study, consider the importance of A-level languages. It doesn’t matter if it’s A-level Japanese, A-level French, or A-level German – all of these languages are a valuable part of becoming a well-rounded person, and ultimately, a well-rounded potential employee when you get out of school and are on the search for a good job.

If you’re not sure if you should invest the time, energy, and brainpower into learning a foreign language, we’re here to tell you that it is definitely worth the investment. We’ve explained some awesome reasons why you A-level languages can help your future.

Opportunity #1: You have the Opportunity to get into a better University

If you study hard and get good grades in your A-level courses, you will have the opportunity to apply and possibly get into your top university of choice.  Before you start your A-levels, do your research. You will need specific requirements to apply.  However, keep your options open and be sure to add a language in your A-level training. The more diverse you are in your education, the more appealing you’ll be to a university admissions team.

Opportunity #2: You have the Opportunity to get a better Job

Fluency in another language makes your CV stand out and, in the end, can help you earn more money. The job market out there today is competitive, so when you’re out there looking for jobs and employers see that you are fluent in more than one language, you will immediately have an edge.Furthermore, bilingual employees often make more money, simply because they are often given more responsibility and duties.For example, your fluency in another language may allow you to help bring international business revenue to your company and you may be given more opportunities to travel abroad, negotiating business deals or helping translate for executive employees.

Opportunity #3: You have the Opportunity to Experience New Worlds Overseas

Learning a language and then being able to travel, engrossing yourself in the beauty of another culture is an amazing way to live and experience life to the fullest. Of course, when you travel, it’s not necessary to know the language, but if you’re fluent, you will find it less stressful to find your way around the city and will more easily understand what’s happening around you. Being a part of life overseas, even if it’s just for a vacation or short sabbatical, will help enrich your life in a new way. Traveling abroad also gives you a better appreciation for your own culture, where you came from, and what makes you unique.

Your A-levels will help advance& secure a positive future. Spend time researching your language options and then decide what would best fit you and your personality.  Once you’ve decided, dive in to the courses and don’t look back. Consider using a tutoring company such as First Tutors to boost your studies.

Yes, it is going to take a lot of time and a significant amount of energy to learn the ins and outs of another language. But consider it just a small investment into your future – an investment that you won’t regret!