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How IT Education Adds To Your Academic Profile

Acute learning behaviors as well as integrative approaches translate into long term benefits, which are not only scholarly rewarding but also have an economic incentive. Technology driven education has been largely attributed to Information Technology (IT) based applications. New disciplines have been created such as bioinformatics and nanotechnology, while others such as management sciences have been revolutionized.
This approach has been seen in action with the widespread acceptance of the ‘STEM’ (science, technology, engineering and math) model of learning. In a report summing up recent trends within Ed Tech, innovative ways to deliver STEM material are highlighted. Much of this is being driven through IT in the form of mobile technology, virtual labs and cloud technology.

Benefits of IT training 

The widespread success of social media within the ‘student’ generation is indicative of the fact that virtual technology has been accepted on wide scale. The next step is to make use of this progress to improve aspects of our academic careers.
An excellent case of such inculcation was seen when Harvard and MIT faculty members pooled their intellect to bring edX to life. One of the most successful massive open online course platforms, it shows how IT is driving academic progress.
The profession of ‘data scientist’ is another occurrence of how IT training can help careers. A data scientist is basically an amalgam of a basic field with IT. For instance, in the case of biological sciences, massive data is generated. This data has to be assimilated and intelligently processed. In this case, individuals with a background in IT can make the most out of the opportunity; the availability of transitional online courses are making it possible for students of any field to make a career shift.
One of the biggest impacts of IT training is the additional skills that a graduate may bring to the table. While IT education has been in focus for quite some time, there have been increasing concerns regarding security. This can be seen with a recent report published on data theft, highlighting that healthcare and financial domains are areas of concern.
This would mean that IT based training can help people better understand the security layout of the web, which enhances productivity among students. Training in this sector would allow students of any discipline to make full use of internet security tools for protecting data and intellectual property. Furthermore, it would allow their digital interactions (social media and browsing) to become more secure.
The market has increased its demand of data analysts or cross-disciplinary experts such as bioinformatics. As per a recent study, 2.5 million data analysts will be needed by 2015. This broad profession is applicable to all major areas-science, finance and social enterprise.
The market is also looking at newer levels of IT development. This can be seen with business simulation training programs that heavily bank on virtual technology. Using input from IT, enterprise resource planning systems allow enterprises to better evaluate the needs of their customers.
IT’s usage within academic environments adds even more competitive edge in an already tight job market. Furthermore, it allows individuals to explore entrepreneurship in a more rigorous manner.