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How To Stay Healthy With Your 9-5 Job

Keeping healthy with a busy lifestyle can be difficult. If you are required to travel around an hour or so a day for your job, you will find very little spare time to cook and exercise. Furthermore, you want to ensure that you are active and consuming the right foods, whilst working your 9-5 job. However, that isn’t that easy and you will soon find yourself unfit and unhealthy.

In this article, we will help you stay healthy whilst being happy and still doing well in your job. From resting to exercising and healthy foods. Here is our quick guide to keeping you healthy.



Sleep is essential and it may vary how much sleep you need compared to someone else. A lot of people will find it easy to function on five to six hours of sleep. If you are anything like me, you will probably need seven or more hours of sleep. 

Before you go to sleep, you want to shut your brain off from everything and do something relaxing. That could be reading a book, watching the television or meditating. There are many things you can do before bed to relax your brain. 

During the week, you should be aiming to shut off from technology around ten or eleven o’clock. Once you have entirely rested from everything and managed to get yourself into bed, you should be aiming for around seven hours of sleep, depending on how much you need. In hindsight, that isn’t that much. For example, if you go to bed at eleven, you need to get up around six or seven am. If you have gone to bed earlier, you don’t need to worry about getting up late. It all depends on how much sleep you need and what time you need to get up to go to work. 


A Healthy Body Is a Healthy Mind

As the famous saying goes, a healthy body is a healthy mind and we are strong believers in this. Therefore, you should be looking at finding a hobby or something to keep you fit. There are many forms of exercise so you should never struggle to find one that helps keep you fit. Additionally, we are strong believers that there is an exercise for everyone out there, just make sure that you are doing enough throughout the week. 

Health specialists advise us that we should aim for around 150 minutes of exercise which may seem like a lot but it isn’t. If you break it down across the week, it is 30 minutes of exercise from Monday to Friday. This exercise could be anything that suits you. It could be a walk, yoga, a run or even swimming. There are so many options out there that you should never actually struggle to keep yourself healthy. 


Healthy Diet

Last but not least, a healthy diet. This is essential for ensuring that you are getting all of the right vitamins and minerals throughout the day. Aim for a nice well-balanced diet and try your best to have your five-a-day. That way, you are ensuring you are getting vitamin c and all the other essential vitamins in your diet. 

We understand that you may not have the time to cook every day. However, there are ways that you can ensure you are eating healthy and doing little cooking. One thing that we would advise is meal preparation. 

Spending a few hours of meal preparation is something that will save you a lot of time during the week and eat foods that you like. If you are not the best cook then that is not an issue either. There are many services out there that can do the dirty work for you and get healthy ready meals delivered to your door. This will make your life a lot easier and is something that you definitely should consider.