Learn Online DUDE!

Opportunity For Everyone To Further Themselves In An Educational Environment

The concept of traditional study is simply unavailable for many due to work commitments, family obligations or geography. The introduction of distance learning has enabled many individuals to develop new skills and qualifications without the burden of daily attendance.

What are the benefits of Distance Learning with Stonebridge?

With the growth of the internet learning has been transformed. Course work can be accessed with ease, additional texts downloaded in minutes and video streams to aid understanding are readily available.

It eliminates the need for annual enrolling meaning that you can begin to learn instantly and work towards the qualification. It also removes the additional classroom environment which intimidates many.

The opportunity to work together with a specific, highly trained tutor, without the background of large classrooms and student groups is proven to increase learning capacity and allow more focused learning.

Support Structures

The courses still maintain the option for practical training sessions. This means that interaction with your appointed tutor is accessible to resolve any outstanding concerns before progressing with examinations. Distance learning is not about being left to learn unsupported.

Our commitment to excellence ensures we assist each and every student to achieve the best they can around their busy lives. We invest in you.

Regular testing is also important and allows both the tutor and the student to understand how they are progressing with the course.

This method of learning will also provide more accountability that many individuals require to bring the most productive side of their character to the fore. It cuts out distractions and ensures focused learning at times that suit individual lifestyles.

The Future of Learning

It does not matter if you are from a rural village or busy city; the ability to log in at a click of a button, develop new skills and proceed with a new career is readily available.

Contact us today for more information on proactive distance learning.