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Qualities Of An Emotionally Intelligent Event Planner

Emotional Intelligence can be defined as a special skill that allows a person to relate to other people. This skill is important in order for you to become a successful event planner. It will help you manage relationships and situations, both in your professional and personal life.

Below are qualities that a person with high emotional intelligence possesses.

You know how to Identify and Control your Emotions.

Event planners normally find themselves in stressful scenarios. Emotional intelligence is used in knowing how to cope with this kind of situation. Once you know how to control your emotions, you can start to identify what causes them.

For instance, you may be a bit distracted in your work because of a certain event in your life. You need to tone down your excitement for a bit in order to get things done. Knowing why you feel a particular emotion will help you find a way to change or control it.

You know how to Identify and Control the Emotions of People around you.

A word of caution: this is different from manipulation or brainwashing. This is about knowing how to empathize. You need to understand why people are reacting to you in a certain manner. Once you know the root cause, you’ll be able to identify the best course of action.

Gauge your team and make sure that they are responding to you in a positive way. This is essential because you need to get everyone on the same page. This is the only way to achieve your team’s goals together.

You know how to gauge what the group is feeling about a certain matter.

Event planners with high emotional intelligence can accurately judge how an event or meeting is progressing. They can do corrective actions when the situation calls for it. If you immediately see that a client is not happy with your ideas, you can propose other solutions to satisfy them. You can also find ways to motivate a colleague once you see that he’s getting frustrated on the project.

Motivating your team will be easier if you know how to detect slight changes in emotion or attitude. You will avoid small problems from growing into an unmanageable situation.

Learn How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

There are several ways to be more in tune with yourself and the people you work with. Always start with yourself. Talk to a successful event planner to learn how to improve this skill.

Written by bleu events, one of the top event planners Columbia, MO has to offer.