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Savings and Specials

Everybody likes to get a good deal. So if you can get a bargain on a new car, why not do it? Cars are expensive and anything you can save can be a big help when making such a costly investment. Your local East Bay Toyota dealership knows just how important having a car is; you need something you can rely on, a safe way to get to work and get your family around town. Being without a car is more than just an inconvenience for most people. Stevens Creek dealership wants to help you save money on your new purchase because they know how tough it can be.

Most weeks, large dealerships, like Stevens Creek run ads in the local newspapers detailing their sales for the week. You can find these, most times, in Sunday papers. These are special deals that only last for a few days so you have to take advantage of them while they’re happening. You can also find information about other specials and deals on Stevens Creek’s website, www.stevenscreektoyota.com.

They run specials on new cars, used cars, and have monthly deals that you can take advantage of as well. Many dealerships also offer discounts for students and veterans. So if you are in college, either undergrad or grad, or are an active or retired member of the country’s armed forces, you can stand to receive a discount on a new car, sometimes up to $500. You can find more information about these types of deals online.

Another way to save big is to buy a used vehicle. Used cars on dealer lots are frequently only a few years old but are significantly less expensive than new cars. Visit the website to look through the list of used vehicles currently available at Stevens Creek or your local dealer.