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SEO Alternatives and Its Latest Newsjacking Innovation

As Google’s market share is increasing and it is busy in bringing about changes in terms of shrinking web spam along with manipulative thinking, small business are not finding it easy to cope with these flying changes. What they understand is Google’s insistence on link building that is in all forms and shapes manipulative. However, it seems that Google’s message has not been interpreted in proper manner by the marketers and needs some clarification. Let’s discuss it in detail;
Marketers Giving Up SEO
Google’s desire of staying “clean” has compelled many of the marketers to abandon SEO altogether and instead switch to PPC. Although PPC is touted as a perfect alternative to SEO since it paves way for attracting lots of traffic in less time to the website, yet it is not a long term companion given its attribute of being expensive and the difficulty in estimating its PPC ROI.
Another option marketer’s flirt with instead of SEO is social media that is critical for customer service, public relations and reputation management. It does help in diversifying marketing strategy but it not able to gather first time visitors requisite for small businesses.
Using SEO Faster But Poorer
The moment many of the small business marketers realize that SEO possesses strongest ROI they gather that what’s required is simply use SEO faster, which in reality means using it poorly by cutting its corners. Thin contents produced as an outcome are not a viable option as they do not bring about strong results very often. Attempting such manipulation techniques will land you in trouble keeping in view Google’s inclination towards stopping bad linking.
Benefits of SEO
As small business marketers try all shortcuts under sun, they will realize that SEO is a wise investment and the cost associated with it, is worth the benefits reaped from it. This is the point where they start exploring the full potential of SEO vis-a-vis inbound marketing. Not only do these marketers invest in building links but also in building relationships that in turn make them realize that it brings with itself accountability.
Also they learn the art of link building that is in its ideal definition a form of content having value and real purpose for the end-readers. Here a transformation from a SEO professional to a well-equipped content marketer takes place, thus caring about facts and figures and his real audience.
The New Idea of Newsjacking
Lately there has been a lot of hype enveloping the term Newsjacking that has emerged in the realms of SEO but of course comes as a continuation of content marketing. This technique is used by marketers to remain abreast with the breaking news story that is in high demand and use its soaring demand to their benefit by contributing valuable contents to the prevailing discussion.
How Is Newsjacking Practiced?
What needs to be done in this regard is paying consideration to the breaking news, understanding it, picking up keywords and coming up with high researched rich content that has specific information related to the news.
Although small businesses will only pick up the stories relevant to their business but most of the businesses do not find it difficult in filtering news that can be related to their business in any way.