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The Joy of Enhancing Your Pool

The value of your home, the pleasures of your houseguests and your own comfort are all enhanced by your pool. It only makes sense to spend a little time and money to make it into the best pool it can be. A few simple additions can transform an ordinary pool into an aquatic work of art. Consider these ideas for enhancing your pool.

1. Solar-powered water heating

One type of pool heating Sydney residents are starting to use more and more is solar-powered water heating. This method heats your pool water by pumping it to solar-heated rooftop containers and returning the heated water to your pool. This is the most energy-efficient way to heat pool water. Temperature control will still be in your hands, and you will save a lot of money every year on pool maintenance.

2. Blanket pool covers

Solar energy does not heat the pool itself. It only heats the water. Your pool can potentially lose as much as 10 percent of its internal heat in the hours without sunlight. Pool blankets prevent undesirable heat loss quickly saving you enough money to pay for them-selves.

3. Pool lighting

Once you’ve gone to the trouble to equip your pool with solar heating and pool blankets, you’ll want to be able to swim in it at night. LED pool lighting will make that possible while boosting the ambience and safety of your pool.
Owning a pool is only the beginning of the journey toward creating your ultimate backyard get-away. Enhancements like solar-powered water heating, pool blankets and lighting for nighttime use will complete the process. Metro Pools and Heating is there to provide you with the assistance you need to make your backyard dreams come true. View their enormous inventory of supplies and accessories by logging onto metropoolsandheating.com today.