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The Law Students Job Hunt Survival Guide

The Law Students Job Hunt Survival GuideGoing to law school is an exciting experience; however, it can also be stressful. You spend a few years studying and acquiring the knowledge to become a lawyer. When you graduate from law school, you will need a job.

Many law firms are searching for people who have experience in the law profession; therefore, you need to find an employer who will welcome someone just out of law school. While you are still in law school, you need to find internships that will allow you to gain experience. Working while you are still in school will give you access to attorneys who can give you a good recommendation. Internships can also give you an idea of the area of practice you would like to pursue.

If you did not get the opportunity to intern while in school, you might need to accept a job for lesser pay. This can get your foot in the door, and you can gain some connections. If you do a good job, you will probably be able to get a pay raise, or you can find other employment.

Before you search for a job, you need to develop a strong resume. The resume should have a good cover letter, and it should state your experience in the law profession. You might think about hiring a professional resume service to help you write your resume. The service will also be able to help you find places to send your resume.

After you send your resume to prospective employers, do not wait for them to contact you. You should be active in pursuing a job. You might even take your resume to them in person, so they can put a name to a face. This shows an employer that you that you are outgoing and will take the initiative. You might get turned down, but your risk can eventually pay off in the end.

Your law school will have someone that will give you advice about getting a job. You need to make an appointment with this person to discuss possible jobs. In some cases, you might even consider getting a law job overseas. Your career services center can put you in contact with lawyers in Sydney.

Most law schools will have a career fair that will allow you to meet possible employers. You can increase your chances of obtaining a job by speaking to representatives from law firms. You can enlarge your network and meet prospective employers. When attending job fairs, it is important for you to dress professionally. You want to make a good first impression, so you need to look like a qualified lawyer.

The number of law jobs available is less than the number of people graduating from law school, so you need to be proactive in searching for a job. Some new attorneys choose to get a job in Australia. Therefore, you should consider networking with lawyers in Sydney. After you find a job, you can enjoy a successful career in the law profession.