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The Participation Of Republican Party In 2016 General Elections

The Participation Of Republican Party In 2016 General Elections

The presidential election of America in 2016 is one of the most desiring facts to the world over the world. The people of every country are waiting with a great expectation to hear the name of the upcoming newest president of America. Though the exact or particular date of the election has not fixed yet, but it is one the most expecting occasion for the every politician in America as well as for the entire world also. Hope the best candidate will won the contest and get the pride of being the most powerful president of America.

One of the participating parties of this presidential election is The Republicans.  Several members from this arty are taking part in this fest.  The most mentioning name from them is Jeb Bush.  And the other names are Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Bobby Jindal, Carly Fiorina,  Jeb Bush and Hilary Clinton have the most competitive competition in this contest. Though these two people have a great political family background, but they have their own pride and famous political position too.

Jeb Bush is the brother of Jorge w. Bush junior, who was the President of America before Barak Obama. Their father W. Bush senior was also a former president of America. On the other side, Hilary Clinton is the beloved wife of Bill Clinton, one of the finest former governor and also president of America. So, it seems that no candidate from the both parties came this election without past and famous political backgrounds. Though their relatives participated and won the contest before, now they are too much confident to prove their own ruling skills. watch cnn live stream to get more debate and analysis on elections

The Republicans, party is taking part in this contest in order to fulfill some basic demands of the people. They guaranteed about their wills and fulfilling them within their duration. They are also showing their previous working statistics to prove their skills and commanding method. Now, the result of this presidential election is being awaited with a very high rate to the all kinds of voters. They have to vote their most desired candidates

 And make them won and provide the option to serve the whole nation. If the candidate can keep their promises, then nothing can be the best without this for the public.

SO, it is hoped that, this contest will be the most competitive competition than the other kinds of elections of the world. The president of America used to be considered the most powerful person in the world. As America is one the richest and developed nations, it has to take part in various important deals and agreements. So, the American president has to bear several duties and responsibilities as a president. So,  it doesn’t matter who is going to get the very position, it is wished that, she or he should be the most dutiful president to handle all the upcoming situation whether they are bad or good to face.