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Tips For Those Who Want to Drink Less Alcohol


You drink too much alcohol and want to change your drinking habits and drink less? That is an important decision. Make sure that you receive expert advice if you are well prepared. With a clear plan and support from your environment, the chances of you succeeding are greater.

Some Tips for Drinking Less:

  1. Choose a favorable start date, preferably in a quiet period, for example after the holidays.
  2. Discuss with yourself how much you will drink. Or set an hour on which you just start, for example not before 6pm, and when you definitely stop it. Record on which days you do not want to drink.

Change the habits associated with drinking:

Register: Write down every day for a few weeks what you drank, when and in what circumstances. Your register will be more useful to recover yourself without addiction treatment center. You can ignore something a little more difficult when you see it written ‘black and white’.
If you have difficulty refusing (for example in a café), try to think in advance how you will do this. You possibly give a clear reason.

In company:

Do not use alcohol when someone does not feel like it.
Always provide non-alcoholic drinks when visiting or at a party.
Warn each other when drinking (or better the consequences) start to get out of hand. Do not go on driving someone who is starting to exaggerate.
If you go out in a group, agree in advance who stays down and will drive. Or organize a taxi.
Experiment with alcohol-free drinks and cocktails.