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Tools To Help You Make Money On Stock Markets

Successful stock trade depends by far on investor’s ability to analyze chart data. There is a number of free online platforms that are suitable to both beginners and seasoned stock traders. These websites contain a wide variety of useful analysis tools, while more demanding users might get extra features by paid subscription.


This website is simple to use, clean and scalable. It is favorite frees tock charting site for financial bloggers. The platform includes a number of different tools and ways to analyze any stock chart of interest. For example, it includes the Scan Engine, in which you can create a search formula and get a list of stocks that match your scanning criteria. This is also a great option for beginners as there are some pre—set scans for bull or bear setups, trends ort breakouts. You can also usehistorical charting and extended analysis is available through paid subscription.


This website is advertised as the one to provide leading research, analyses and visualization. What distinguishes it from other similar sites is that it provides a various range of information in visual snapshots, which provide traders and investor with a quick means to find the stock they are after. It has tools and features that optimized for both individual clients and institutions, including a built-in list of both fundamental and technical scan filters.

Google Finance

Includes two very convenient features, the analysis of a stock’s historical performance at a given point in the past and the ability to see the key events on major days for the stock that is analyzed. Google Finance is simple to use, with clean charting system which enables easy comparison of multiple charts or indices by overlapping them. It’s drop-down box interface allow quick switching from one exchange or sector to another, as well as switching among different countries, if you are interested in overseas stock trade.


This is another website that provides clean and flexible insight in stock charts. It features community-backed charts that enable analysis in the form of annotations on each chart. TradingView is a platform that incorporates very flexible and detailed charts, and is known for inexpensive paid subscription for those who need advanced features or real time insight. Another advantage of TradeView is that unlike some other charting services it supports native platforms for Android and iOS, so it is compatible with wide range of mobile devices, which is important in the era when more people are replacing PCs with more portable devices like smartphones, tablets and ultrabooks.

Yahoo Finance

This is a strong platform for investing and personal finance that many investors look up to for prices and major indexes. And not without a reason. It offers a plethora of information related to stock market and trading activities. Similarly to Equity Feed features, it provides market updates with commentary during trading hours so you can get an insight what is market doing in real time. Yahoo! Offers streaming quotes of major markets, so you don’t need to refresh the page to see the latest changes.


Although perceived as a very basic platform, this site is equipped with its own proprietary rating system. In other words, it enables investors to zoom in on their results by three Morningstar ratings: grade, profitability grade, and financial health grade, with grading from A to F. Search criteria like this are usually reserved for premium members, so this is a plus for this stock screening platform.