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Top 2015 Summer Beers

Hot summer days often call for cold beers, and with that being said there are many that will be available this year that would be perfect to quench your summer thirst. Barbecues, swimming and attending sporting events are just a few of the events that call for a cold beer beverage, and this summer there are a few that will be on the market that you should keep an eye out for. Here are some of the top beers that you can try over this summer while you are busy trying to stay cool.

New Belgium Summer Hales

A wonderful, light and refreshing German beer to be on the lookout for is the New Belgium Summer Hales is the perfect example of a beer that you can drink all day. The ABV is 5%, which is just a hair above many other light beers such as Miller Lite, but the taste is so much crisper and fits right into the category of a drink for a brisk summer day. It is made by the New Belgium Brewing Company located out of Fort Collins, Colorado, so while it may be obvious that you are drinking an American beer there is a distinct European feel to it.

21st Amendment Hell or High Watermelon

As far as fruit beers go, this is one of the most unique and vibrant beers for the summer months. After all, when someone thinks about the summer, watermelon is a staple icon for many picnics, outdoor festivities and barbecues since that is when the fruit is plentiful and in season. This is not a boring beer by any means and will likely appeal to both the fruit beer lovers as well as the less diverse drinkers. The Hell or High Watermelon beer is crafted in San Francisco by the 21st Amendment Brewery, and definitely a must try for the beer advocates out there.

Sweetwater Waterkeeper

The Sweetwater Waterkeeper is a beer that is of a Hefeweizen style and is brewed in Atlanta, Georgia at the Sweetwater Brewing Company. The beer itself has a 5.7% ABV, so while it might be a little stronger than others it isn’t unbearable nor a kick in the teeth. Hefewizens are typically unfiltered and have that distinct aftertaste, yet it also has an aroma of sweet, floral and spicy flavors that will make you feel like you are sitting in a forest on a perfect summer afternoon. Not only that, but buyers can feel good about buying from the Sweetwater Brewing Company as they donated a quarter of a million dollars to the city to help keep the river clean and kept up with.

Firestone Walker Easy Jack

Brewed out of Paso Robles, California at the Firestone Walker Brewing Co. is the Easy Jack beer that has the style of a Session IPA, but only at a 4.5% ABV, which is fairly under potent compared to other IPAs. Yet even with less alcohol involved it still has a very obvious hoppy flavor to it that some would argue is even better than the higher percentage IPA beers. If you are a big fan of hoppy beers but need to be able to still function, then this is the beer for you.

Founders Rubaeus

Founders Rubaeus is one of the most ideal fruit beers out there, as it is clearly a delicious raspberry beer without the excess sugar added to it. It is made at the Founders Brewing Co. in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and even with a 5.7% ABV it is even smoother than you can imagine. This is definitely one to stock up on to sip as you hang out on your front porch this summer for sure.

Written by the staff at Willie’s Pub and Pool. Willie’s has great drink specials and is one of the most atmospheric bars Columbia MO has to offer.