Learn Online DUDE!

Uncommon Things I Do Online

The concept of a series of interconnected computer network used for easier communication and sharing of information – the Internet, as we know it – was introduced in the 1960s, and it has slowly become widespread in the next three decades. Since the mid-1990s the internet has a serious impact on everyday life – today many people couldn’t even imagine their lives without being connected.

Although it was created as a tool for exchanging knowledge, the internet has proven to be a tool useful in many more things in everyday life – and I’m not talking just about being up to date on the news or having a laugh at the latest funny cat pictures. It has several other uses as well – and my life without it would be not necessarily harder, but certainly less interesting.

Let’s see some of the less usual things I use the internet for in my everyday life.

The Daily Menu

I am the cook in the family – and by that I don’t just mean that I am the person who is responsible for literally putting food on the table. I am an actual cook, with a diploma and a chef’s knife behind me. But this does not guarantee the inspiration needed to keep the family happy and well fed.

When I am in trouble thinking of the day’s menu, I turn to the internet for inspiration. Nothing fancy, of course, but a tasty and healthy meal enjoyed by the whole family. I usually end up on Jamie Oliver’s website – this celebrity chef has inspired countless tasty dishes and helped me receive countless lauds from the most demanding customers ever – my family.

A Good Read

I am a huge consumer of fantasy and science fiction novels. I love to read them and own them – I am the happy owner of a considerable collection of science fiction and fantasy novels (printed, not e-books, of course) which occupies a considerable space in my home.

For a while – when I was younger and less financially stable – I had trouble fulfilling my reading needs, so I was constantly drooling in front of the bookstore, counting the nickels in my pocket. Then I discovered the best second-hand bookshop of the world – the internet, of course.

There are a number of reasons why people sell their books – lack of space, urgent need of money or to start a gambling career at http://majortomcasino.com – this is not my concern. For me it’s important that I can find them and buy them online for a very affordable price. Sometimes I even get lucky and find a rare piece – something signed by the author, for example.

The internet is slowly replacing garage sales, and offers its users (like me) the chance to find some really good deals by just clicking a few links.

The internet is a great thing, for a number of reasons – the two above are the most important for me. Tell me, what uncommon uses have you found for this great invention?