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What Do Americans Think About Recycling

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is preached by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and there are countless recycling programs held across the country, but few people actually recycle, a new survey has shown. The online survey questioned 500 people, mostly between the ages of 18 and 34, to know their views on recycling. The verdict is out- Not even half of those questioned said they recycled while only about 30 percent said they encouraged others in their community to recycle.

What else do people think about recycling? Here’s what the survey found out.

 36 Percent Think Recycling Is Good

Do you think it’s good to recycle? The majority of those polled don’t! Recycling is great for the environment. Recycling benefits range from energy conservation to waste reduction, reports the EPA. Recycling has even led to the creation of employment in the recycling and manufacturing industry. One such innovative startup is Isidore Electronics Recycling which employs ex-cons to recycle e-waste, giving them an opportunity to break away from the prison system, reports Forbes.

38 Percent Find Recycling Easy To Do

Most of the respondents said recycling is not very practical. But with several organizations like the National Recycling Coalition, Keep America Beautiful (KAB) and Earth911 providing resources and ideas, recycling has never been easier! From curbside recycling programs to community recycling initiatives, recycling is no longer inaccessible- the blog DoSomething.org reports than over 87 percent of Americans have access to paper recycling programs. Not only is paper and plastic easy to recycle, but metal and electronics too. And you can earn money by selling scrap metal! Recycling facilities run by organizations like SIMS Metal Management buy scrap metal and unused electronics which are then properly recycled. Sims is located in several cities across the United States from Redwood City, CA to Richmond, VA.

38 Percent Said They Recycle

Over 60 percent of people in the survey said they don’t recycle which shows that there’s a lack of awareness about recycling and a definite need to get more people to recycle. In a study conducted by the University of Alberta, psychology is a lot to blame for people not recycling- there’s a need to change people’s perception of usefulness! To know what items can be recycled; here’s a list of common recyclable materials that you should not throw away after use. Let’s work towards reducing waste- almost everything can be recycled!

25 Percent Said They Would Recycle More If They Were Told That Recycling Was Good For The Economy

Only 1 in 4 respondents said they would recycle for the growth of the economy, but more people need to be aware of the economic benefits to the country that recycling brings. Recycling is great for the economy, a study released by the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) shows. The ISRI study shows that the recycling industry generated revenue worth almost $90 million and provided nearly 500,000 jobs in the country. Economic benefits of recycling are also followed by the social and environmental benefits that can impact a country’s economy. Recycling promotes sustainable use of resources and community development, says the EPA on the economic benefits of recycling.

31 Percent Said They Motivate Others In Their Community To Recycle

Most of those polled said they are not very enthusiastic about motivating others to recycle. But community recycling drives can be a great way to protect the environment and have fun. It can also be a great way of contributing towards a healthy community, says the EPA on how recycling can lead to community development. There are many things you can do to get others in your community to recycle. From organizing cleanup drives on Earth Day (April 22) to asking people to donate old books, toys, furniture etc. to charity, here are some ideas on what you can do in your community (http://www.epa.gov/waste/wycd/sincommunity.htm).

According to the 2011 statistics from the EPA, the national recycling rate stands at 34.7 percent. Much of the waste generated ends up as toxic waste in landfills and incinerators. Regular recyclers, you need to recycle more and get others in your neighborhood to start recycling for a cleaner, greener planet. Even if you are a newbie and haven’t recycled before, it isn’t too late to start!