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Why Rent A Generator?

A standby generator is an alternative back-up electrical system that can be used in case of power failure of the main source. It can be operated manually or automatically via a transfer switch. It is usually driven by a diesel engine to support electrical loads. A steady supply of electricity is important in construction sites to power the personnel trailer with all of its appliances and computers to power up, the lighting of the site, and all of the construction tools being used.

Electricity is essential to ensure continuity of the site operation. However, if the site is located in a faraway area without connection to the grid or a metropolitan city with high loads and thus has a supply shortage, then a standby generator is an essential need. You do not want the power going out on you, especially when you are trying to meet your deadline.

The decision to purchase or rent a generator for your project is something that you should think through. The pros and cons of both options will depend on many factors, such as the size, the location and the timeline of the project. Here, we will discuss the benefits renting your standby generator instead of buying one.

When you rent your generator from a reputed construction rental company, you are provided with full servicing and maintenance support. Your contract will usually include continuous maintenance by experts and factory-trained technicians. You can expect to get full support during emergency situations and when repair is needed. They will also be there to ensure that the standby generator is properly installed. Taking all of these things into consideration eliminates the need to hire additional technicians to service your generator.

Each construction project will have different power needs and sometimes buying the correct size standby generator is not economical. Renting provides you an access to a broad range of generators and you can be sure to find the standby generator that suits your construction needs. You can also be sure that you have access to the latest, high-tech generators.

Eliminating the need to purchase your generator and hiring additional technicians and experts, especially for short-term projects, will save you money in the long run. You will have a lower initial investment and you do not have to worry about repairs, storage and maintenance.

With renting, you don’t have to pay for insurance and warranty for the generator that you use. Rentals typically come with a renter’s insurance to protect your operations in case of generator malfunction.

Renting a standby generator for your project gives you immediate access to the emergency power that you need. Having the emergency supply can make or break your project, since shortage of supply can sometimes damage your big equipment. Rent your standby generator now and have the peace of mind and confidence that your project’s power needs are sufficiently covered.

Written by Lindsey Rentals. Lindsey Rentals offers the best equipment rentals in Columbia, MO.